We Are The League from Doc'n Roll Films on Vimeo.
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We Are The League (How Deep Do You Want It?) is a deep and meaningful feature-length documentary about one of the most officially offensive bands of all time, The Anti-Nowhere League.
It's the story of four blokes in leather trousers who crawled out of their unlikely home town of Tunbridge Wells in the early ’80s, shoved a carrot up the arse of the post-punk scene, and left a trail of outrage and disgust in their wake - and continue to do so to this day.
Packed full of never-before-seen archive - from the League’s first-ever show at the world-famous Lyceum in London, to clips from Stewart Copeland’s legendary lost nouveau-punk art film odyssey ‘So What!’, We Are The League (How Deep Do You Want It?) tells the full uncensored story, in the frank and unapologetic words of the original members, of how a biker, a skinhead, a grammar-school boy, and a Persian exile, with no respect for anything, no discernible musical talent and no ambition nevertheless surfed the second wave of Punk out of the Garden Of England, all way around the world - and back again.
They didn’t change the face of rock n roll but they sure pissed a lot of people off along the way.