The Royal Dutch Tour Documentary is a the debut feature film by Italian filmmaker Simo Valley (Simona Dalla Valle). Funded by a small Kickstarter campaign, the documentary follows Bonnie “Prince” Billy and The Cairo Gang, supported by Tonnie ‘Broeder’ Dieleman and Leo Meijer on a small tour of Holland in the summer of 2014.
Bright, sun-lit footage of charming villages and countryside contrast with the candle- shadows and cloistered performances, The Royal Dutch Tour Documentary comprises a binary structure, switching between the entirely acoustic performances and interviews with local and/or known people talking about the venues. The debut feature is divided into seven episodes, one for each place visited during the tour.
Fusing local interviews and reportage exploring the unique character of each venue with performance footage, The Royal Dutch Tour Documentary maintains a spirit as unique as the tour itself and offers a rare and intimate glimpse into life on the road for these extraordinary musicians.